Nachdem ich dieses Bild von meinem handgemachten Rock gepostet hatte, baten viele um eine Anleitung – und weil er wirklich einfach zu machen ist, habe ich mir die Zeit genommen und eine geschrieben (und illustriert). Ich hoffe, ihr kommt damit klar und würde mich über Fotos von euren Resultaten natürlich riesig freuen!

After I had posted this picture of my handmade skirt, many of you were asking for a tutorial – and because it’s really easy to make, I took the time and wrote (and illustrated) one. I hope everything is understandable (if not, ask) and I would love to see photos of your results!

1. Cut from your fabric:
– 2 squares of 140 x 39 cm
– 2 squares of 140 x 54 cm

–> You can also change the width to 120 or 130 cm, but your skirt will be less „puffy“ then.

2. Always sew 2 squares of the same size together on the short sides with the right fabric-sides facing and reinforce the edges.

3. Pull the smaller „tube“ over the wider one. The right fabric-sides of both tubes have to be on the outside. Sew around the top, about 1 cm (or less) from the upper edge, to connect both panels of fabric.

4. Press the upper edge to the wrong side – firstly 1 cm and then again 3 cm. Now, you have a kind of tunnel. Sew around it, but leave a little gap of about 3 cm.

5. Now you need some elastic that isn’t wider than 3 cm and that is as long as your waist circumference + 15 cm. You have to thread it through the tunnel. The easiest method to do so is by fixing a safety pin at the beginning of the elastic and pushing it through with the safety pin first. Be careful so the end of the elastic doesn’t slip into the tunnel!

6. When you are done with pulling the elastic through the tunnel, you have to connect both ends with a safety pin and try the skirt on. Is the width perfect? After you have controlled that the elastic lies flat and hasn’t „twisted“ in the tunnel, sew the ends on top of one another.

7. Now pull the end of the elastic into the tunnel and close it with some stitches.

8. When the lengths are perfect, iron the bottom edges of both skirts to the wrong side – firstly 1 cm and then again 1 cm. Sew the hems.

Et voilà – there you have your new summer skirt!