Aus irgendeinem Grund trage ich immer genau am Valentinstag ein Outfit in den Farben rot, blau und braun – so auch gestern. Für einen Stadtbummel mit meinem Liebsten holte ich mal wieder den Matrjoschka-Rock aus dem Schrank.
For some strange reason I seem to favour the colours red, blue and brown on Valentine’s Day – as you can see when looking at yesterday’s outfit. I chose my good old Matrioshka-skirt for taking a walk through the city centre with my man.
Schal – Mrs. Hippie
Mantel, Tasche – secondhand
Rock – selbstgenäht
Strumpfhose – H&M
Stiefel – Duo
scarf – Mrs. Hippie
coat, bag – thrifted
skirt – selfmade by me
tights – H&M
boots – Duo
+ Cardigan – Esprit
Rollkragenpulli – H&M
+ cardigan – esprit
turtle-neck – H&M
I love that color combination! Also, I am awestruck by that beautiful city center you are walking in. You get to walk through there all the time? Do you think about how amazing it is each time or has it become commonplace to you?
thank you! this is my beloved city, leipzig. since i’ve moved to another city for studying (and i’m only here on the weekend), i have started to realize how beautiful leipzig actually is.
Gorgeous skirt!
thank you!
Eins meiner Lieblingsoutfits! Der Mantel ist der Wahnsinn!
danke, meine liebe! ich hab den mantel auch sehr gern. (: